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2715 Rochester Ave. Kansas City, MO 64120
(816) 483-1456

Wednesday, Thursday: 7pm–11pm
Friday: 7pm-12:00 am
Saturday - noon - 5pm/7pm-12am
Sunday: 12pm–6pm
Occasional Events on Sunday, Monday & Tuesday.
*Times May Vary

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The Moth: Storytelling competition

The Moth: Storytelling competition

Under 21 with Guardian

The Moth is true stories, told live and without notes. We celebrate the ability of
true, personal storytelling to illuminate both the diversity and commonality of
human experience. Our work allows people all over the world and from all walks
of life: astronauts, students, a dental hygienist, a hotdog eating champion, a
mechanic, exonerated prisoners, veterans, Nobel laureates and everyone in
between, to share their stories on stage in front of a live audience. Through live
and virtual shows, storytelling workshops, a podcast, Peabody Award-winning
Radio Hour, and New York Times Best Selling books, The Moth brings the power
of personal storytelling to millions of people each year—creating community
and building empathy around the world.

YES, CHEF!: Prepare a five-minute story about what's cookin'. The mouthwatering, the palatable or the burnt to a crisp. Takeout, delivery or microwaving a frozen dinner. Taking or giving orders and tempers that rival the heat of the open flame. From Grandma's secret recipe to Dad's killer barbecue, top ramen or top sirloin-- grab that apron or grab a plate. If you can't take the heat...

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